Eric Hugoson

Data scientist

About me

I am a data scientist and bioinformatician experienced in large-scale data analysis, data integration, and software development. Currently, I work as a data scientist and project manager at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden where I am focused on digitalizing healthcare.

I built this website for practice, and for fun. You can find my source code here.


Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS). The Linux Foundation. Certification ID LF-4c5c8gl4fe

Selected Publications

Eric Hugoson, Andrei Guliaev, Tea Ammunét, Lionel Guy*, 2022. Host Adaptation in Legionellales Is 1.9 Ga, Coincident with Eukaryogenesis. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 39:3, msac037.

Eric Hugoson*, Wai Tin Lam, Lionel Guy*, 2020. miComplete: weighted quality evaluation of assembled microbial genomes. Bioinformatics, 36:3, 936–937.